The Relationship between the calculated (Cal. ME) and gas estimated (Est. ME) metabolizable energy for Ruminants of some Sudanese feedstuffs

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Manar O. Ibrahim1, F. A. Ahmed 2, Y. R. Sulieman 3 and G. H. ElObeid 1

1 University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan

2 Omdurman Ahlia University, Omdurman, Sudan,

3 University of Bahri, Elkadaru, Khartoum North, Sudan.


Seventeen samples of Sudanese feedstuffs (4 samples of protein rich feedstuffs “cakes”, 3 samples of oilseeds, 3 samples of different browse trees fruits, 4 samples of forages “2 rich in protein and 2 of low protein value” and 3 of roughages “crop residues”) were analyzed to assess DM, Ash, CP, EE, CF and NFE, DM and CP degradability and digested to estimate their energy content.

The results revealed significant differences in all chemical  components within each feed group. The cakes showed the highest DM and CP degradability, while other groups approximately showed similar values. The results showed that the calculated energy (Cal.ME) was nearly similar within each group except in cakes and oilseeds. In general, caked and oilseeds showed the highest energetic values, while browse trees fruits, forages and roughages showed slight differences. The correlation coefficient between the estimated (Est. ME) and calculated (Cal. ME) metabolizable energy was moderately positive for oilseeds and browse trees fruits and very high for forages and roughages, while cakes showed high negative correlation. In general, the correlation showed moderate value overall feedstuffs. From these results we recommend to use gas production method to assess the energetic value of feeds for ruminants.

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