The effect of diet dilution with sand and wheat bran during 8-28 days of age on broiler performance , carcass characteristics and feed cost – full

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Somaia M. Alkhair * , M.I. Omer ” , 1.1 . Hamid

* AL Azhari University , Faculty of Agriculture , Department of Animal Production . ** Animal Production Research Center ( Kuku )


 An experiment was conducted to study the effect of diet dilution with sand and wheat bran in the starter period of age ( 8 to 28d ) on performance , carcass characteristics and feed cost , in a completely randomized design . The experiment consisted of 4 treatments . 4 replicates , with 8 chicks per cach replicate . To dilute the diets four levels ( 0 , 10 , 15 , and 20 % ) of sand and wheat bran ( 50:50 ) were used . Chicks were fed with pre – starter diet from 0-7 days of age . The diluted diets were offered to the chicks from 8-28 days old . During the finisher period chicks were fed common finisher diet . Feed and water were allowed ad libirum to all birds . During the experiment feed intake , body weight gain , and feed conversion ratio were measured weekly . Feed cost was calculated at the end of the experiment ( 48 days of age ) . At the end of the experiment two chicks each replicate were selected and carcass characteristics were measured . Comparing mean levels of diet dilution with control chicks showed that feed intake in different levels of dilution was more than controls ( p < 0.05 ) but there was no significant difference between 10 and 15 % levels of dilution and the control . Also there was no significant difference between 10 and 15 % dilution levels and the control in weight gain , live body weight , and feed conversion ratio at 28 day old of age . Due to compensatory growth after restriction period , there was no significant difference in feed intake , weight gain , and feed conversion ratio among restricted chicks and the controls at 48 – day – old , despite that feed intake in different levels of dilution was more than that of control chicks . Feed cost of the diluted diets was 6.29 % . 9.86 % , and 12.59 % lower than the control diet , respectively .


The success of feed restriction programs in improving feed efficiency and allowing full body weight recovery has been attributed to a number of factors ; the energy that supports growth compensation may come from the reduced requirements for maintenance energy related to lower body weight and metabolic adaptation ( Yu and Robinson , 1992 ) . Greater feed intake relative to body weight and its association with digestive adaptations may also be contributing factors to growth compensation ( Zubair and Leeson 1994 )

Younger broilers adjust feed intake to maximum physical capacity , so early growth rate can be tempered by lower energy diets ; in 7 day old birds , about 80 % of feed is directed to growth and only 20 % is needed to maintain the small body size , consequently feed is used very efficiently ( Leeson , 2008 ) , so it is useful to restrict feed during early age without affecting final body weight since younger birds will compensate growth successfully ( Zubair and Leeson , 1994 ; Leeson , 2008 ) . In formulating poultry diets , energy level is usually selected as the starting point . An appropriate energy level is one that most likely results in the lowest feed cost per unit of production . In areas of the world where high energy grains and feed – grade fats are a relatively inexpensive , high – energy diets are often most economical Cie . , the lowest feed cost per unit of product ) . In Sudan , high – energy grains are expensive , and since broilers are grown on high – energy diets ( 3100-3200kcal / kg ) , the diet used comprises high feed cost per unit of product .

In diet dilution methods , diets are mixed with , some edible and , non digestible ingredients , such as fiber , wheat bran , and wood shavings , and sand , which are cheap materials that reduce feed cost when added , so qualitative feed restriction can be used as a method of diet dilution to decrease cost without affecting the final body weight . This study aimed to evaluate the effect of diet dilution with sand and wheat bran on broiler performance , carcass characteristics , and feed cost .


This experiment was carried out at the Animal Production Research Centre , Kuku , from 9 5 2009 to 266/2009 .

Experimental birds : One hundred and twenty eight unsexed , one – day old Cobb broiler chicks were reared in an open – sided house on deep litter with the floor space partitioned to provide accommodation for the eight broiler birds per replicate . Birds were randomly allocated to one of four treatment groups . Each treatment consisted of four replicates . The weights of the birds in the replicate groups were adjusted to give near uniform initial weights for all the groups .

Experimental diets : Five starter diets Table 1 were formulated such that treatment I was a standard broiler starter and diet 5 was a common finisher . Diets were diluted by inclusion of sand and wheat bran ( wt : wt ) in the levels 10 , 15 and 20 % for treatment 2 , 3 and 4 , respectively . All birds received the same pre starter diet to 7 – day of age . Treatment diets were offered to the birds from 8 to 28 days of age . The common finisher diet was offered to all birds from 29 to 48 days of age . All diets were available for ad libitum consumption throughout the experiment . Due to dilution the experimental diets were neither iso – caloric nor iso – nitrogenous .

Data collection : The data collected during the experiment included , weekly feed intake , weight gain , feed conversion ratio , and final body weight . Feed cost was calculated at the end of the experiment ( 48 days ) . Eight birds from each treatment were randomly selected for carcass analysis at 48 days of age . Statistical analysis : In this experiment birds were assigned to the four dietary treatment groups following a completely randomized design ( CRD ) . When necessary , the data means analyzed by analysis of variance were separated by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test . The level of significance was reported at ( P < 0.05 ) .


dilution during 8-14 days of age :

 The effects of diet dilution on performance during 8-14 days of age are shown in Table 3. Birds fed diluted diets ( 10 and 15 % ) showed significantly ( P < 0.05 ) higher feed intake than control ones . The increased level of feed consumption is an attempt of restricted birds to maintain nutrient requirement . This result is in agreement with Leeson et al . ( 1991 ) . ( 1996 ) . ( 1997 ) ; Yussefi Kelaricolaii et al . ( 2001 ) and Teimouri et al . ( 2005 ) . Birds fed 20 % diluted diet showed significantly reduced feed intake . Younger broilers adjust their feed intake to maximum physical capacity , so less feed is consumed due to increased bulk density of 20 % diluted diet . Despite the reduced feed intake of control birds , there were no significant difference in weight gain , feed conversion ratio and live body weight between birds fed 10 and 15 % diluted diets and control birds at 14 days of age.

The effect of diet dilution during 15-21 days of age :

The effects of diet dilution on performance during 15-21 days of age are shown in Table 4. Although there were no significant difference in food intake among restricted and control birds , 15 and 20 % dilution levels showed decreased feed intake . The result is in agreement with Teimourier al . ( 2005 ) who reported decreased feed intake among restricted birds when feed intake was calculated excluding the diluting material ( charcoal )

The effect of diet dilution during 22-28days of age :

The effects of diet dilution on performance during 22-28 days of age are shown in Table 5. At day 28 ( the end of restriction period ) there were no significant difference in weight gain , feed conversion ratio and body weight between 10 and 15 % restricted birds and control ones . Feed intake of restricted birds was less than that of control birds . The result is in agrees with the findings of Teimouri et al . ( 2005 ) .

Overall performance ( 0-48 days ) ; The effects of diet dilution during 8-48 days of age on overall performance are shown sin Table 6 . Feed intake between 8 to 48 days was not significantly affected by diet dilution in 8-28 days of age . Results of the present study are in agreement with the findings of Lee and Leeson ( 2001 ) ; Yussefi Kelaricolaii et al . ( 2001 ) and Teimouri et al . ( 2005 ) .

 When birds resumed eating the common finisher diet ( 29-48d ) did significantly affect body weight gain . Results of this study are in agreement with the findings of Leeson et al . ( 2001 ) ; Yussefi Kelaricolaii et al . ( 2001 ) : Lippens et al . ( 2002 ) and Teimouri et al . ( 2005 ) There was no significant difference among treatments for the feed conversion ratio in the whole period of the experiment ( Urdaneta R. and Leeson S. , 2000 ) . This is in contrast with the findings of Kasim and Leeson ( 1992 ) ; Pinchasoy and Jensen ( 1989 ) .

Birds fed 20 % diluted diet showed similar performance like control birds fed undiluted diets . The improvement in feed conversion ratio observed in feed restricted broilers has been attributed to reduced overall maintenance requirement caused by a transient decrease in basal metabolic rate . Many investigators have observed more efficient feed conversion in feed – restricted cohorts ( Kasim and Leeson , 1992 ; Pinchasov and Jensen , 1989 ) . At 48 days of age there was no significant difference in body weight among treatments which indicated complete compensatory growth . This result is in contrast with the findings of Plavnik and Hurwitz ( 1990 ) : Jones and Farrell ( 1992 ) ; Santoso et al . , ( 1993 ” ) ; Zubair and Leeson ( 1994 ” ) ; Deaton ( 1995 ) and Teimouri et al . , ( 2005 ) .

Carcass characteristics :

 The effect of diet dilution on Carcass characteristics is presented on Table 7. Carcass weights at 48 days of age were not affected by diet dilution . None of the other parts ( thighs and drumsticks ) was significantly affected by feed restriction . This result is in agreement with Saleh et al . , 1996 ; Lippens et al . ( 2000 ) on the other hand Rezaei et al . ( 2006 ) stated that diet dilution did not have significant effect on carcass , breast meat , drum stick and thighs percentages

There was no significant difference in abdominal fat pad between restricted and full fed birds ( Fontana et al . , 1993 ; Lippens et al . , 2000 ; Lee and Leeson , 2001 ) . The result is in contrast with the findings of Summers et al . ( 1990 ) ; Leeson et al . ( 1991 ) ; Robinson et al . , ( 1992 ) who reported lower fat content of the feed restricted birds .


In conclusion , diet dilution as used in this experiment indicated that the broiler chicken can withstand 20 days under nutrient when diets were diluted with wheat bran and sand ( wt : wt ) at the levels of 10 and 15 % without any loss in marketable final body weight . The cost of 10 and 15 % was lower by 6.29 % ( 83.00 SDG ) and 9.86 % ( 130.00 SDG ) , Table 2 , respectively . The study concludes that , qualitative feed restriction could be to reduce feed cost .


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Authors :

Somaia Mohamed Alkhair .

Mahmoud Ishag Omer , decease .

Ibrahim Ismail Hamid .

اثر تخفيف العطف باستخدام الرمل و ردة القمح خلال 8-28 يوما من العمر على أداء دجاج اللحم وخصائص الذبيحة و تكلفة العلف

 سمية محمد الخير ، محمود إسحق عمر وإبراهيم إسماعيل حامد

جامعة الزعيم الأزهري

مركز بحوث الإنتاج الحيواني- کوکو

ملخص البحث

 أجريت تجربة لدراسة تأثير تخفيف العنف بالرمل وردة القمح في عمر 8-28 يوما على أداء دجاج اللحم و خصائص الذبيحة وتكلفة العنف في تصميم كامل العشوائية . تألفت التجربة من اربع معاملات ، وأربعة مكررات ، وثمانية كتاكيت لكل مكرر . خفف العلف باستخدام اربعة مستويات من الرمل وردة القمح ( 50:50 ) كانت كالتالي : 0 ، 10 ، 15 ، و 20 % غايت الكتاكيت على عطف قبل بادی في عمر 0-7 أيام ، وقدم العلف المخففة و في عمر 8 ۔ 28 يوما ، ثم قدم علف ناهي عادي في عمر 29-46 يوما خلال التجربة سجلت القراءات التالية : معدل استهلاك العلف ، و الوزن المكتسب ، و معامل التحويل الغذائي اسبوعيا . بنهاية التجربة تم حساب تكلفة العلف تم اختيار طائرين من كل مكرر وقيست خصائص الذبيحة بمقارنة المتوسطات لكل من العلف المخفف و العليقة الضابطة وجد أن معدل استهلاك العلف في كل مستويات التخفيف كان أكبر من معدل استهلاك العليقة الضابطة عند مستوى معنوية 0.5 > P ، لكن لم يوجد فرق معنوي بين مستوي التخفيف 10 % و 15 % والعليقة الضابطة كذلك لم يوجد فرق معنوي بين مستويي التخفيف %10  و 15 % والعليقة الضابطة في الوزن المكتسب و الوزن الحي و معامل التحويل الغذائي عند عمر 28 يوما . نتيجة للنمو التعويضي بعد فترة تحديد التغذية لم يكن هناك فرق معنوي بين العلف المخفف و العليقة الضابطة في معدل استهلاك العلف و الوزن المكتسب و الوزن الحي و معامل التحويل الغذائي بنهاية التجربة ( 46 يوما على الرغم من أن كمية العلف المخفف كانت أكبر من الكمية المستهلكة من العليقة الضابطة تكلفة العلف المخفف كانت أقل من تكلفة العليقة الضابطة بنسبة 6.29 % ، و 9.86 % ، و 12.59 % ، على التوالي .

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