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Institute of Animal Production, University of Khartoum, Khartoum North, Sudan.

In view of the ever increasing demand for animal protein the exploitation of wildlife has become a necessity. In parts of Africa, antelopes and other forms of wildlife provide a rich supply of meat for the local popula- tion. In south Africa antelope ranching is a successfui commercial enter- prise while in Kenya game is exploited both for meat and income. Wildlife can survive and produce under adverse climatic conditions unsuitable for conventional domestic stock. Talbot (1966) reported that the average liveweight gain and dressing percentage of some wild ungu- lates were superior to those of cattle and sheep on moderately well man- aged East African rangeland. The eland for example will grow and repro- duce at rates which compare favourably with cattle and yield quality meat having a dressing percentatge of 59 (Kyle, 1972). When ranched together with Boran – cattle, oryx were found to produce a leaner carcase which dressed 57 percent compared with a dressing percentage of 52 for Boran cattle (King and Heath, 1975). A diverse population of wildlife species inhabit Sudan, yet accurate statistics of total population of species are lacking. Sudan’s Wildlife Re- search‘Centre claims that the population of wildlife ruminants such as re- edbuck, buffalo and roan antelope is increasing. The meat of wild rumi- nants is consumed by local population and a small proportion is sun dried and sold as biltong (locally known as sharmoot). Wild animal by- products such as hides and various other trophies are sold for speciality markets. The purpose of this article is to highlight the need for study and utilization of wild ungulates for meat production in African countries such as Sudan. Source of animals: In this preliminary study four reedbucks of mixed sex were shot in the Dinder National Park situated 320 miles south-east of Khartoum. Ani- mals were then bled by severance of carotid arteries and juglar veins    and weighed to give dead weight (slaughter weight). The weights of car- cases and their components were recorded separately. The carcases were then cut according to Meat and Livestock Commission (MLC, 1977) into neck, leg and chump, single short forequarter, best end of neck and breast. The leg and chump joint was then dissected into meat and bone. C arcase characten’szics: As can be seen in table 1, the dressing percentage and the proportions of the superior wholesale cuts such as the leg, chump loin and best end of neck as well as total lean were greater in reedbuck than in fattened desert goat and sheep. Total bone was low in reedbuck although muscle : bone ratio was greater in the reedbuck than in sheep and goat.

 Slaughter by-productcs: The percentage of non-carcase components are given in table 2. Gen- erally non-carcase components such as head, skin and feet, liver and ali~ rnentary tract were lighter in reedbuck compared with corresponding val- ues in desert goats reported by Bello and Babiker (1988). The difference in the proportions of non-carcase components could account for the dif- ference observed earlier in the dressing percentage. 

 Conclusion: Reedbuck killed at an average weight of 40 Kg produced a carcase weighing 25 Kg and dressing 58.10 percent. The proportion of superior cuts such as leg churnp, loin and best end of neck were 45.1 percent, 12 percent and 15.8 percent of dressed respectively.


Bello, A. and Babiker, S. A. (1988). Growth and carcase characteristics

of desert goat kids and their temperate cross. Anim. Prod., 46: 231

– 235. _

E1 Khidir. I. A., Babikcr, S. A. and Shafie, S. A. (1989). Srna;l

Ruminants Research. (In Press).

King, J. M. and Heath, B. R. (1972). Game domestication for animal

production in Africa. Experience at the Galana ranch. Wld. Anim.

Rev. (FAO) 16: 23 – 30.

Kyle, R. (1972). Meat Production in Africa. The case of New Domestic

species, Univ. Press. Bristol.

MLC, (1977). Meat and Livestock Commission. England. Qutting and

preparing lamb and pork. Technical Bulletin No. 24: 12 – L8.

Talbot, L. M. (1966). Wild animal as a source of food. Bureau of Sport,

Fisheries and Wildlife special Scientific Report – Wildlife No. 98.

Washington 1 – 16.

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