Animal Products Department, Food Research Centre, Shambat, P. O. Box
213, Khartoum North, Sudan
The use of recombined milk in the manufacture of white soft cheese (Gibna Beida) was investigated. The fat content was adjusted to 1% and 2% by addition of fresh milk cream 48% butter fat to reconstitute skimmed milk (1 : 5 reconstitution ratio). The white soft cheese was made according to the traditional method, as follows: the prepared milk (18% T. S. and 19% T. S.) were pasteurized at 72 °c/ min. Then fast cooled to 50 °c and calcium chloride and emulsifyer were added, followed by the addition of yoghurt culture. Then rennet was added at 42 °c (0.07 WI). The resultant cheese was stored in salted pasteurized whey (10% NaC1) for ripening. After two days, the cheeses were chemically analysed for water content, pH-value, acidity, total nitrogen, soluble nitrogen, total protein, fat content, ash content and also evaluated organoleptically (taste panel). The organoleptic evaluation showed that the addition of fresh cream improved the texture, flavour and appearance of cheese as compared with that made from fresh cow’s milk.
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