The use of sun dried poultry manure in broiler diets I- Effect on performance and eviscerated yield component parts

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I. M. TIBIN and I. G. A. KOKO

Institute of Animal Production, University of Khartoum, P. 0. Box 32,
Khartoum North, Sudan.


The effect of using sun dried poultry manure in broiler diets as a source of crude protein on broiler performance and eviscerated yield component parts was investigated. 120 day old unsexed broiler chicks (Lohman) were used in this experiment. The chicks were divided into three groups of 40 chicks each to be fed on three isocaloric and isonitrogenous broiler diets which contained 0%, 4% and 8% of sun dried poultry manure respectively.

Results obtained from the experiment showed that the use of sun dried poultry manure in broiler diets resulted in a significant decrease in feed con­sumption, weight gain and feed conversion ratio.

The slaughter data showed that as the level of sun dried poultry manure in­creased, eviscerated carcass weight, dressing percentage and the yield of commercial cuts (thigh, breast and drumstick) were significantly decreased.

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