The dry matter degradability of wheat straw Fractions

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Abdel Malik, A.M.(1) Thomson, E.F. Ahmed, F.A. (2) and
Tambal, A.A. (1)

International Centre for Agricultural Research in the
Dry Areas (ICARDA), Aleppo, Syria.


The degradation characteristics of the straw of two varieties of wheat (Hourani and Sham3) as referred to production year and sowing dates were measured by incubation in nylon bags in the rumen of four fistulated sheep. The nutritive value of stem, leaf and chaff fractions of the wheat straw, and the effect of incubation periods on the degradability were studied using a Randomized Complete Block Design. The results showed that dry matter degradability increased as the incubation period advances for all treatments and straw fractions. The maximum dry matter degradability obtained was 57.4% at 72 hours of incubation for stem fraction. However, the dry matter degradability for leaf fraction was 73.0% and for chaff fraction was 77.9%.

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