Utilization of some animal and plant protein feed ingredients in layers diet.

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M. I. Omer and N.A. Musharaf
Animal Production Research Center — Kuku
Khartoum North, P.O. Box 89 — Sudan.


An experiment was designed to evaluate the nutritive value of some local animal and plant protein supplements in layer’s diet. 24 laying pullets 32 weeks of age were selected on the basis of producing 5 eggs/pullet/week and were kept in individual cages of a commercial laying battery for 8 weeks of age. They were given (i) control diet (C) containing imported layer concentrate, (ii) locally produced concentrate (LC), locally processed poultry offal meal (0), and plant protein concentrate (V) made of groundnut meal and sesame meal. All diets were approximately similar in crude protein, energy and essential amino acids (EAA).

Results showed that birds fed on control. diet (C) had significantly (P < 0.01) higher feed intake, egg production and total egg mass than other groups. Feed cost and feed required to produce kg eggs were significantly (P < 0.01) less for group (C) than the other groups. No significant differences (P < 0.05) were obtained for the average egg weight among the four groups.

Performance efficiency indices (PEI) were not statistically significant (P < 0.05) among groups fed diets (C), (LC) and (0).

The results obtained from the present study indicated that the nutritional superiority of imported concentrate over locally produced animal and plant protein supplements can’ be attributed to the poor quality of the local raw materials of these supplements.

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