Supplementary feeding of Working donkeys : influence of plane of nutrition on body condition and levels of blood metabolites

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Aboud, A.A.O., Mutayoba, B.M.1and Mollel, E.L.
Department of Animal Science; P.O.Box 3004; Morogoro


Observations on effects of nutrition and draft stress were made on a total of 11 donkeys divided in two groups (G1 = 5 animals; G2 = 6 donkeys) for a period of 22 weeks. Donkeys in G1 (non supplemented) were maintained in a traditional grazing pattern, i.e. allowing them to graze on low quality unimproved pastures from 7.00 a.m. to 4.30 p,m. The second group (G2, supplemented) were grazed in the same manner but upon return from grazing they received 1.8 kg of concentrate containing about 15 MJ DE/kg DM and 17.7% Crude Protein. Body weight and condition scores were recorded once every two weeks.

On day 145 and for 3 weeks thereafter all donkeys were assigned.to draught work of pulling loaded carts, the loads weighing 3 times their body weight. Data on blood levels of Glucose, Non-esterified fatty

1. Department of Vet. Physiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology;


acids (NEFA) and Total Plasma proteins (TPP) were recorded from blood samples drawn at 15 minutes intervals over a period of 3 hours of continous work.Donkeys in both groups showed a steady increase in body weight with those in G2 registering significantly (P< 0.05) higher final weight (146.5 vs 141.0 kg). There were no significant differences (P<0.05) in body condition scores between the supplemented and the non supplemented donkeys.

Plasma Glucose concentration fell from 4.04±0.2 mmo1/1 to 3.07±0.3 in the supplemented group (G2) and from 4.06±0.6 mmo1/1 to 2.8±0.3 mmo1/1 in the non-supplemented group (G1) after three hours of work. The level of NEFA increased from 0.34±0.02 pmo1/1 to 0.52±0.06 pmo1/1 in non supplemented group (G1) and from 0.29 [imo1/1 to 0.39±0.03 1..tmo1/1 in the supplemented group (G2) after 3 hours of work; the difference between groups being highly significant (P<0.001). The TPP concentration of G2 donkeys remained the same throughout the working period whereas that of G1 donkeys increased significantly (P<0.05) within 2 hours of work and thereafter remained significantly higher than that of G2 donkeys.

It was concluded that donkeys subjected to draft work require supplemental feeding even where changes in body conditions are not obvious.

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