Concentrated by-products of Sorghum Wet-milling, Starch and Glucose Production as Feed-supplements for Fattening Cattle


Nadya, A.M. Badr, El Khidir, 0.A., Salwa E. Ibrahim and
AFaf, A. Mabrouk .

Dept. of Livestock Fattening and Meat Production Research, Animal
Production Research Adminstration, Kuku, P.O. Box 89, Industrial
Area, Khartoum North, Sudan .


Sixteen Butana bull calves of 156.6 ± 5.5 kg initial liveweight were used in this experiment . The animals were divided according to live-weight into two equal groups and fattened to a target slaughter weight of 250 kg on either a concentrate supplement of 55% sorghum grain, 25% peanut meal, 19% wheat bran and 1% salt (Control) or semi-solid feed blocks containing on as fed basis 55% concentrated sorghum steep liquor (CSL), 15% glucose mud (GM), 16 wheat bran, 13% peanut hulls and 1% common salt (Treatment) . All animals had free access to a basal diet of chopped sorghum hay . The dry matter intake (DMI) of the concentrate supplement by the control group was regulated at weekly intervals to equalise the ad It intake of the treament animals from the feed blocks .

Feedlot performance and carcass characteristics examined revealed no significant (P > 0.05) differences between the experimental groups . The average daily gain and dressing out percentage of the two groups

were found slightly better than those reported in earlier studies . It was concluded that incorporation of the concentrated by-products of starch and glucose industry, which are considered as waste, in cattle diet will substantially reduce tne cost of supplementary feeds .

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