Cooked sun-dried blood meal a potential source of lysine: I- Available lysine determined by chick bioassay



Institute of Animal Production, University of Khartoum, Khartoum North,
P.4 .Box 32, Sudan.


Lysine available in cooked sun-dried blood meal was estimated by using a broiler chick growth assay. Mild heating at 60 °C for 30 minutes and then sun drying for 10 days were used for blood meal processing. The bioavaila­ble lysine was calculated using the slope ratio method where weight gain was regressed on dietary lysine level (%) (method A) or lysine intake (method B). Bioavailable lysine estimates reported in the present study compared favourably with those obtained for blood meals processed by conventional methods. At three-weeks of age the bioavailable lysine was 23% (method A) and 27% (method B) lower than at six weeks.

From the results of the present experiment it was concluded that mild cooking at 60 °C for 30 minutes and sun drying for 10 days had no effect on bioavailable lysine content of blood meal.

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