Effects of Various Dietary Levels of whole Sunflower Seed on Energy and Nitrogen Balance of Broiler Chicks


E. A. Elzubeir

Institute of Animal Production, University of Khartoum,
Shambat, P.O. Box, 32 Khartoum North, Sudan


In a metabolism trial eighty broiler chicks (Lohmann) were given diets with four levels of whole sunflower seed (WSS) (0, 7.5, 15 and 22.5%). Increasing the dietary level of WSS had no signifi cant (P>0.05) effect on nitrogen intake and excretion. However, there was a linear increase (P<0.05) in nitrogen retention (g/day and as percentage of intake) with each increment increase in WSS. No significant differ­ences were noted for energy intake, excretion and retention due to the dietary treatment. Inclusion of USS up to 22.5% in broiler Chicks diet had no significant effect on daily weight gain. feed intake and feed conversion ratio.


The nutritional value of sunflower seed in broiler diets has been studied by Daghir et al. (1980) and Ibrahim (1990). The former recom­mended that in practical type diets sunflower seed should constitute at least 10% of the ration, whereas, the latter suggested that 22% of sun­flower seed is the optimum level of inclusion. There is lack of infor-

mation as to the cause of this difference. The present experiment was carried out to examine the effects of feeding various levels of whole sunflower seed on nitrogen and energy balance in broiler chicks.


Experimental Birds :

Unsexed broiler chicks of a commercial strain (Lohmann) were reared in a tier brooder for seven days from day old. They were then transferred to battery cages to acclimatise before being selected for the experiment on the basis of body weight. Birds were caged singly for the experiment with free access to feed and water.

Four approximately isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated from locally available feedstuffs (Table 1). The diets con­tained increasing levels of whole sunflower seed (0, 7.5, 15 and 22.5%). Each diet was given to twenty birds according to a random­ised block design.

Measurement and feed analysis :

The experiment commenced when the chicks were fourteen days old and lasted for forty two days. Body weight was recorded at the be­ginning and the end of the experiment. Feed intake was monitered weekly and deaths were recorded daily. Apparent metabolizable ener­gy and nitrogen retention of the experimental diets were determined using a Parr oxygen bomb calorimeter. Nitrogen of the diets and ex­creta was analysed by standard methods (AOAC 1980).

Statistical analysis :

Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance and regres­sion analysis (Steel and Tonic 1960).


The effect of various levels of whole sunflower seed (WSS) on en­ergy and nitrogen blance are shown in Table 2. Inclusion of whole un­processed sunflower seed (WSS) in broiler chicks diets up to 22.5% had no significant effect (P>0.05) on nitrogen consumption and excre­tion. Nitrogen retention g per day and as percentage of intake in­creased (P<0.05) with increasing the dietary level of unprocessed sun­flower seed (WSS). However, nitrogen retention as percentage of intake has been shown to decrease with increasing the dietary level of sunflower seed meal (Ibrahim and Elzubeir 1990). Chlorogenic acid of sunflower seed meal was suggested as a cause of this reduction be­cause it has been reported to inhibit trypsin activity (Milk glmil. 1968). The increase in nitrogen in chicks given WSS indicates that the form in which chlorogenic acid is found in WSS is activated by the process­ing method employed for oil extraction and/or the processing method has a destructive effects on protein quality of the meal.

Energy consumed, excreted and retained (g per day and % of in­take) were not significantly affected (P>0.05) by the dietary treatment as were daily weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio (Tabl3).

In conclusion it appears that WSS given at levels up to 22.5% of the diet had no adverse effects on broiler performance and improved nitrogen retention.


Association of Official Analytical Chemists (1980). Official methods of analysis. 13th washington DC.

Daghir, N.J., Raz, M.A. and Uwaygan M. (1980) Studies on the utili­zation of full fat sunflower seed in broiler rations. Poult. Sci. 59 : 2273 – 2278.

Ibrahim, M.A. (1990). The effect of feeding different levels of sun-

flower full-fat seed and seed meal on the performance of

broiler chicks. M.Sc. Thesis University of Khartoum. Ibrahim, M.A. and El Zubeir, E.A. (1991). Higher fiber sunflower

seed meal in broiler chick diets, Anim. Feed Sci. Techn. 33 : 343 – 347.

Milic, B., Stajanovic, S., Vucurevic, N. and Turcic, Chlorogenic and quinic acids in sunflower meal. J. Sci. Food Agric. 19 : 108 – 113.

Steel, R.G. and Torrie, J.H. (1960). Principles and Procedures of sta-
tistics. Mc Graw-Hill Book Co. in New York.

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