Some notes on the performance of Sudan Nubian and exotic goats in Sudan.


A.M. Khalaffalla and Y.R. Sulieman •

Kuku Research Station.
P.O. Box 89, Industrial ArealKhanrtown North.

In 1976 three exotic pure breeds Sannen, Toggenburg and Anglo-Nubian were imported in the Sudan for improving milk and meat production through crossbreeding with Local Nubian goat and multiplication of the pure breeds. Some performance studies on the exotic goat in Sudan were reported by Sulieman and El Shafie (1984) and Khalaffalla and El Shafie (1988) In these notes the lactation length, lactation milk yield and kidding interval of the exotic breeds and indigenous goat were reported.

Data taken from the records of the goat kept at Kuku research station for the period 1976 to 1979 were used in the study. Each breed was kept into a separate well shaded pen and all animals were fed ad libon the same diet (green forages and a concentrate mixture composed of 25% cotton seed cake, 25% wheat-bran and 50% sorghum grains). Water and salt-licks were available all the time. For accurate measurment of the lactation milk yield, kids were separated from the does one week after birth (i.e. after consuming all their colostrum) and were artificially reared.


Lactation Length and Lactation milk yield

The lactation length and milk yield of the Sudan Nubian goats were

less than in the temperate breeds (Table 1); and were within the range
reported for local goats in other tropics by Devendra and Burns (1970)
and by El Naeem (1979) and Kudouda (1985) in Sudan. In the present

Means in the same column followed by the same superscript are not significantly different (P>0.05).

investigation the Swiss dairy breeds Sannen and Toggenburg, surpassed the Anglo-Nubian breed in lactation milk yield and length.

The kidding interval

As can be seen in Table (2), the kidding interval was significantly (P<0.05) shorter in Sudan Nubian goat than exotic goats. Similar short kidding interval were reported for indigenous goats by Wilson 1976, El Naeem 1979 and Kudouda 1985. It is also evident in Table (2) when a

gestation period of five months was allowed, the service period was short in indigenous goat and considerably long in the exotic goat exceeding three months. Similar results indiCated that the reproductive and productive performance of temperate breeds were greatly affected under tropical prevailing environments (Devendra 1962, Devendra and Burns 1970). In such situatons improvement of local goat could be achieved by adequate feeding, breeding and management of the selected animals. It could also be achieved through crossbreeding with exotic pure goat. The little available information from eleven 50% crossbred goat (Local bred to Anglo-Nubian) in these flocks showed that the lactation milk yield and lactation length of crossbred does were (143.4±93 litres and 142±43 days) reasonably higher than their contemporary local goat. Moreover, the average daily milk yield of the 50% crossbred was nearly equating that attained by the temperate breeds (1.0 litre) and which was also higher than that of the indigenous goat (0.6 litre) in this investigation.


Devendra, C. (1962). Upgrading of local goats by Anglo-Nubian goat.

Malya. Agric. J. 43 : 265-280. (A.B.A. 32 : 313) Devendra, C. and Burns, M. (1970). Goat Production in the tropics.

Common Wealth Bureaux of Anim. Breeding and

Genetics, Tech. Comm No. 19.

El Naim, Y.A. (1979). Some reproductive and productive traits of Sudan Nubian Goats. M.V.Sc. Thesis (U. Khartoum).

Performance of Nubian and exotic goat

Khalaffalla, A.M and El Shafie, S.A. (1988). A note on the growth performance of exotic pure and crossbred kids. Sudan J. of Anim. Prod. Vol. 1 Part (1) 45-49.

Kudouda, M.E.M. (1985). Growth Reproductive and Productive Performance of Sudanese Nubian Goats. Thesis M.Sc. (U. Khartoum)

Sulieman, A.H. and El Shafie, S.A. (1984). A note on the performance of Sudanese Nubian Goat compared with an exotic group of British Dairy Goats No. 24 : 103. Sudan J. Vet. Sci. and Anim Husb.

Wilson, P.N. (1976). Studies on the Livestock of Southern Darfur, Sudan. IV production traits in goats. Trop. Anim. Health and Prod. 8 : 221-232.

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