Effect of dietary replacement of crushed sorghum grains by bakery by-products on laying hen performance


Nuha H. Talib1, Afaf A. Mabrouk1, I. I. Hamid1 and Buthina M. Rahma2
Animal Production Research Centre, Hillat Kuku- SUDAN
Faculty of Animal Production, El Zaeem Alazhari University- SUDAN


This study was conducted to investigate the nutritive value of bakery byproducts inclusion and its effects on layer hen performance. A total number of 36 Hisex white hens (32 weeks age) were weighed and
distributed over 12 cages with almost the same egg production (EP) level among the cages. The experiment was conducted as a 3×4 complete randomized of treatments including three replacement levels (0, 20, and 40%) of sorghum grains with dried bakery byproducts (BP). The data collected included hen day egg production% (EP), egg weight (EW) and egg mass (EM g/hen/day). Also egg characteristics were recorded. The results revealed that dietary inclusion of BP in layer hen diets exerted no negative
effect on production performance namely EM, EP and EW (45.54, 45.33and 44.72; 85.48, 81.67 and 84.52; 53.26, 55.57 and 52.88 respectively) or egg

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