
Genetic and environmental influences on calf birth weight of Butana cattle breed in Sudan 963 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 20, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Genetic and environmental influences on calf birth weight of Butana cattle breed in Sudan – full 395 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 20, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Performance and some carcass characteristies of Sudan Baggara bulls fed sugar cane tops and sorghum straw as roughage source 349 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 12, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Performance and some carcass characteristies of Sudan Baggara bulls fed sugar cane tops and sorghum straw as roughage source – full 513 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 12, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Effects of environmental modification on some physiological and production responses of butana COWS 329 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 11, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Effects of environmental modification on some physiological and production responses of butana COWS – full 361 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 11, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Indigenous knowledge of rural women in livestock management and feeding in some agro-pastoral communities of Sudan 446 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 7, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Effect of different types of roughage on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of Baggara bulls 363 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 7, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Gestation length and birth weight of Kenana cattle under village conditions in the Gezira State 437 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 7, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Factors affecting milk production of Kenana and Butana cows in the Gezira State, Sudan 429 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 7, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

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ISSN: 1016-5711 For Hard Copy

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