
Characteristics of Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) and Nipah (Nypa fruticans) silages 354 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 7, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Impact of Livestock biodiversity in poverty reduction and welfare change in rural Sudan 775 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 7, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Crop – Livestock Integration in Sudan (A case of Gezira Irrigated Scheme) 427 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 7, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Biosecurity and Mobility Control in Dairy farms in Khartoum State 385 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 7, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Microbiological Evaluation of imported processed cheese sold in Khartoum market 410 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 7, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

Effect of Body Weight Uniformity on the Productivity of Broiler Breeder Hens 412 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: February 6, 2021
Place of publication: Sudan

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ISSN: 1016-5711 For Hard Copy

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