Estimation of Diversity in Sudanese Goats using Microsatellite Markers 443 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: March 17, 2023
Place of publication: Sudan

A survey Study on some Sudanese Desert Sheep Management systems in Gezira, Sinnar and Blue Nile States 419 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: March 17, 2023
Place of publication: Sudan

Characterization of Butana Cattle Production Systems in the River Nile State, Sudan 507 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: March 17, 2023
Place of publication: Sudan

The influence of date seed powder feeding on broiler performance 103 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: March 17, 2023
Place of publication: Sudan

Effect of dietary replacement of crushed sorghum grains by bakery by-products on laying hen performance 103 views

Sudan Journal Animal Production
First Published: March 17, 2023
Place of publication: Sudan

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