Publication rules and conditions

The main publication rules and requirements for the Animal Production Research Center (APRC) are summarized as follows:

  • Arabic and English are the two languages ​​approved in the journal.
  • The research must fulfill all the main contents of any scientific research in conformity with the rules of sound academic writing such as: the title of the study, the abstract, the introduction, the problem of the study and its questions, the objectives and importance of the study, the curriculum of the study, the body of the study of main and sub-titles, conclusion and recommendations, sources and references Finally, tables and appendices – if any.
  • The research should consist of a maximum of 20-30 pages, and fees are added for searches that exceed the number of pages estimated in the journal.
  • The copies submitted shall be printed in MS Word in Times New Roman, 16 font size for headlines and 12 for search body.
  • Attention is paid to the numbering of drawings and tables sequentially and sequentially throughout the entire research paper.
  • The journal requires publication of original research that has not been previously used or published in any of the previous journals.
  • The journal requires publication of original research that has not been previously used or published in any of the previous journals.
  • The journal requires that research ethics be followed during its preparation and preparation to be accepted for publication in it.
  • The magazine publishes research papers on animal research, translations, book references and reports, master’s and doctoral thesis abstracts, and graduation projects.
  • Must follow the Documentation Style (APA) for the research to be published and make sure to arrange the list of references alphabetically.
  • Researchers submit two versions of their paper, one in word and the other in PDF.

Journal rankings

ISSN: 1016-5711 For Hard Copy

Journal Impact Factor


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All Rights Reserved, Animal Production Research Center © 2020 | Prepared by: Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Al-Khalifa | Design: Mohamed Ahmed